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A guide to separation agreements

Separation agreements establish the financial arrangements between a couple following their separation or divorce.

A short guide to private financial dispute resolution hearings

The FDR is normally the second stage in resolving matrimonial finances, and can be held in court or privately.

Selling your business to overseas buyers

As sales of UK companies to overseas buyers remain buoyant, we look at the key considerations for sellers.

The basics of pension-sharing

In most cases pensions will be shared equally, but there are legal arguments for specific arrangements where appropriate

DIY SOS: The risks of homemade wills

A poorly drafted will may lead to disputes which ultimately cost more than the fees for drafting a will professionally.

What is the partnership route for dental sales?

For NHS practices, the type of contract that is in place will determine how the practice can be transferred.

The New Global Mobility Visa – The UK Expansion Worker Route

In this series of blogs, we have been exploring each of these five subcategories of the GBM Visa in turn...

Buying a dental practice with a history of NHS contract breaches: what do I need to think about?

When performing due diligence it is vital to look for potential breaches which could result in financial penalties.

Close the loophole: 'position of trust' offences

We strongly recommend that sporting organisations review their safeguarding policies and code of conducts.

Funding streams, investment and immigration compliance

With migrant workers making up a massive 25% of the workforce in the tech sector, a large number of businesses...