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The legal position in England and Wales in relation to nuptial agreements

A nuptial agreement is an agreement made either before or during a marriage or civil partnership which regulates...

Inheritance on divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership

How can individuals protect inherited assets in the event of a relationship breakdown?

Police pensions and divorce

Dealing with assets such as public sector and police pensions can be a complicated issue when dividing financial assets.

Bereavement in the workplace: new ACAS guidance

ACAS has published new guidance on the rights of bereaved people and advice on managing bereavement in the workplace.

John Lewis drops 'never knowingly undersold' slogan: are price matches a thing of the past?

We look at the reasons behind the change, and what it tells us about the future of price matching for high street brands

Divorce costs - explained

A guide to the costs of submitting a divorce petition, and what happens when a costs order is submitted.

How do Registered Providers maximise income opportunities in a post-pandemic world?

The uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic affected the income of Registered Providers of Social Housing (RPs).

Infertility: How Employers Can Help

In our first blog focusing on infertility, we examined some of the difficulties faced as a result of infertility and...

COVID-19 rent arrears: what next for the sport sector?

We look at how the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill is likely to affect sports organisations with rent arrears.

HMRC Seize NFTs in VAT Fraud Investigation

The seizure, on 14 February, may be the beginning of a more rigorous enforcement regime.