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The rise of hybrid AGMs- a transition into the new normal

As restrictions are relaxed, AGMs may maximise participation by blending in-person events with virtual access.

Attracting and retaining talented employees

The stability and ability of a workforce is a major factor when considering whether to purchase a business...Read more

Succession Planning: The impact of Health and Safety when selling commercial property

Below, we explore some of the steps you can take to review your health and safety documentation in order to increase...

Could employers require their staff to have the COVID-19 vaccine?

Could regulations require NHS and social care staff to have the COVID-19 vaccination in order to work?

Succession Planning for Family Businesses – Pensions

A potential purchaser will want to understand the pension arrangements your business operates, and check that they have

Right To Work Checks: In-Person Checks Required Again From 17 May 2021

Employers will be required to conduct 'in-person' right to work checks again from 17 May 2021.

Frontier Worker Permits: Case Studies

Case studies demonstrating how we can help businesses with applications for Frontier Worker Permits.

Philanthropy as an Estate Planning Tool

The importance of philanthropy as an effective tool to address global issues has been highlighted more than ever...

Workplace support for domestic abuse victims

Effective ways for employers to support staff who are the victims of domestic abuse.

Importance of contracts

We explore the value of a well-drafted, written contract to provide legal certainty and avoid future disputes.