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Read moreLancashire law firm’s support for Lancaster charity helps young people get creative
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A local charity that engages young people in creative activities to support their mental health and wellbeing has secured funding from a Lancashire law firm.
Escape2Make is a Lancaster and Morecambe-based organisation established in 2018 to help 11 to 18-year-olds tackle boredom, loneliness and the pressures of social media. They offer free courses and workshops delivered by professionals from creative industries so that young people can develop new skills whilst meeting new people.
The Brabners Foundation, the charitable arm of independent law firm Brabners which has offices in Lancashire, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, has awarded a £1,500 grant to the charity to support its fortnightly press club.
The press club sees around 25 young people attend each fortnight who are encouraged to express themselves through creative writing, reporting, interviewing and photography while meeting like-minded peers. The content created through the club addresses key issues such as bullying, mental health and environmental sustainability.
The group requires regular donations, and this grant will fund the press club’s paid professionals and materials helping potential budding young journalists and creatives to develop new skills that could support them in gaining training and employment opportunities over the longer term.
Jenny Natusch, founder, and CEO of Escape2Make, said: “More than ever, 11-18-year-olds urgently need more opportunities to express themselves and socialise with each other in a safe environment away from the pressures of social media.
“It’s heartening that Brabners has recognised the vital work Escape2Make carries out in Lancaster and Morecombe with this donation. The social impact we can make with the support of local businesses is huge.”
The Brabners Foundation is an independent charity designed to channel the fundraising efforts of Brabners employees and clients. Employees are invited to nominate charities to receive those funds which are considered by the firm’s charity committee.
Sarah Murphy, head of private client at Brabners Lancashire, is a supporter and founding friend of the charity. She nominated Escape2Make to receive the Brabners Foundation donation.
She said: “As a company, it is Brabners’ mission to make the difference, not just to our clients and our people but also within the local community. Escape2Make helps young people to make new friends whilst developing their skills and encouraging creativity.
“I live close to Lancaster and have supported the charity for around 18 months. I’m proud that the Brabners Foundation has made this contribution, which will contribute greatly toward the press club’s long-term future.”
The Brabners Lancashire office is located at Sceptre Court Business Park in Central Lancashire. Brabners Lancashire relocated from Winckley Square, Preston, to the new Grade A office in 2021.