All civil litigation is subject to a Pre-Action Protocol which sets out the parties’ obligations before Court proceedings are commenced. The CJC states that “pre-action protocols play a crucial role in facilitating dispute resolution”.
Read morePartnership Disputes
Our specialist commercial litigators quickly and effectively resolve partnership disputes of all types and complexities.
Talk to usOur team contains specialist commercial litigators with expertise in all forms of partnership dispute — including general partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) — and the rules that regulate them.
Legal disputes of any kind can be a stressful and time-consuming distraction. Yet a business partnership is a special relationship built on trust and confidence — so when things break down, it isn’t ‘just business’.
A departing partner can do untold damage to the business that they leave behind. Not only is an important individual leaving, there’s also the potential loss of key customers, clients and confidential information to contend with — as well as the possibility that the outgoing partner may try to unfairly compete.
That’s why we work quickly and effectively to resolve issues and achieve the best possible outcome. Getting the right advice early on is essential — if a partnership dispute arises, you need to understand the relevant legal issues at hand to achieve your aims.
Understanding the structure of your partnership can help you to achieve the best outcome to a dispute. While the concept of being ‘in partnership’ may seem simple, it can be complex and cover a variety of different types of legal structures. It’s key to understand which structure applies to your situation. This will provide the insight you need to understand your rights and responsibilities as a partner and achieve the best resolution in any dispute.
Specialist partnership dispute litigators
Our team is led by highly experienced commercial litigator Jeff Lewis, who has been resolving partnership disputes since 1989. Jeff is a Partner, accredited mediator and Deputy District Judge as well as the former President of Manchester Law Society. Well regarded for his tenacity and dedication in fighting on behalf of his clients, Jeff is consistently recognised in the top tiers of both The Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
Jeff and his team provide the experience and knowledge you need to get the right result and go the extra mile to help achieve your aims — whether that’s carefully negotiating an exit or seeking a remedy through the Courts for damages, an account of profits or an injunction to stop future breaches.
There are three main types of partnership in England and Wales:
Effective, cost-efficient resolutions to partnership disputes
Partnership disputes can arise in the context of almost any kind of business — and we’ve come across pretty much all of them.
Partnerships are particularly common in the financial and professional services and so a lot of what we do relates to partnerships in those sectors. However, we have much wider specialist sector know-how across our team, meaning that we don’t just know the law, but we understand your business too.
Our team of litigation solicitors is one of the biggest in the North of England. We have the strength, depth and experience to make sure that your dispute is handled in the most effective and cost-efficient way possible.
Whether you’re concerned about a breach of obligation under a partnership agreement or a breach of fiduciary or statutory duty (included under the Partnership Act 1980), we advise on a wide range of issues including the practical implications of a dispute, funding and the available remedies.
Should your partnership break down due to a breach of obligation, we’ll work with you to seek remedy through the courts, including the pursuit of damages and account of unlawful profits. We can also seek urgent injunctive relief to safeguard your partnership’s future interests against further breaches.
Watch — what to do when a partnership breaks down

“I engaged with Jeff in relation to a dispute upon retiring as a professional sportsman through injury. Jeff offered reassurance and guidance through a very unsettling time, the result of which was a positive one. His commitment in achieving the result was hugely comforting and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Jeff in similar matters.”
Graeme Morrison
“If you are looking for a level headed, intelligent, knowledgeable and capable mediator, Jeff Lewis should be on your proposed list.”
Peter Vinden — The Vinden Partnership
“I found the mediation on Friday probably the best run mediation I have been involved in. It seemed very close to collapse and yet Jeff managed to find a way to keep the parties talking and a sensible deal was reached, very much against the odds. The whole show was conducted with great skill and attention to detail and I just wanted to say that. I am not usually one to shower praise but I would like to on this occasion.”
Eddie Parladorio — Hanover Bond Law, London
Partnership dispute FAQs
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