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Settlement Agreements & Executive Severance

Empowering senior leaders to negotiate their exit.

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We provide the sensitive, tailored, expert advice you need when it matters most.

Leaving a role is never easy, especially if it is unwillingly or through feeling ‘pushed out’. Whilst staying may be off the table, you will want to ensure you are not disadvantaged as a result.

We have substantial experience of supporting senior executives when they leave businesses.  

Our team of experienced employment lawyers are experts in what they do and have a successful track record in helping senior executives negotiate severance packages and settlements.

Our expertise

We handle cases with significant financial elements and complexities, including share schemes, incentives, pension losses, injury to feelings claims and cases involving regulatory and stock market requirements. We are tenacious yet pragmatic. We are happy to sit behind the scenes and provide ‘coaching’ to senior executives who prefer to negotiate their own deals, or where appropriate we handle all matters directly. We are proud of our track record of enabling our clients to achieve highly satisfactory settlements without the need for cases to reach the press.

We specialise in acting for senior employees such as founders, CEOs and directors across the public and private sectors from retail and sport to technology as well as charities and financial services.

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