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Flying to save lives — The Brabners Foundation & North West Air Ambulance

1 minute read

The Brabners Foundation

Flying to save lives The Brabners Foundation North West Air Ambulance

In 2022, The Brabners Foundation donated £4,600 to North West Air Ambulance — a charity that provides enhanced pre-hospital care to the most critically ill & injured patients.


Critical emergency response

North West Air Ambulance receives no government or NHS funding — it’s completely reliant on donations and needs to raise £12 million every year to keep flying.

It’s active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and undertakes almost 1,400 missions annually, the most common of which are road traffic collisions.


North West Air Ambulance’s impact

Our donation has gone a small way to support the air ambulance’s life-saving missions across the North West.

The crew for each mission contains a pilot, a doctor and a paramedic, who work together to bring the hospital to the patient and deliver major trauma care.

Donate to North West Air Ambulance.

Find out more about The Brabners Foundation.

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