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The value that has been created by an entrepreneur, management team, family or corporate shareholder is normally only fully realised through a successful disposal or sale of a business.

There are many reasons why you may want to sell: retirement, a change of strategic direction or to stem the problems caused by an under-performing asset.

Now more than ever, a vendor will need certainty that a deal is deliverable within the timescale and at the level of consideration which is agreed at the outset with the potential purchaser.

Identifying risks as soon as possible is crucial. Our integrated deal advisory and legal team can identify risk early on in the process. Investing time up front will bring certainty and deliverability to any transaction.

Our expertise

Using our combined networks and access to research tools, we perform significant research in order to identify the right strategic buyers for the business. Our target list may include both trade players and private equity institutions, who we believe have the resources or ability to raise the funding to complete the deal.

We have a proven track record of maximising the sale proceeds. We provide lots of tactics and coaching throughout, as each deal is unique. Strong commercial skills help us to pre-empt issues and provide an acceptable outcome.

The disposal process can be a distraction, which can impact upon financial performance and potentially erode value. Our approach ensures that you are focussed, as far as possible, on the management of the business and maintaining performance.

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