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A successful acquisition is a proven method of building value within a business.

For business leaders and entrepreneurs, acquisitions can provide access to new customers and markets, remove a competitive threat, integrate supply chain or provide synergies. The acquisition target could be a business, brand or product.

Our Deal Advisory team has the networks and research capabilities to help you identify strategic acquisition targets, and make initial contact with them on your behalf. Equally we are able to work with your project after initial contact has been made with a target business.

Your company might have its own funds or we may fundraise to find the most suitable funding structure.

Our expertise

Our integrated deal advisory and legal team is able to assess the potential risks at the outset of a proposed deal, avoiding wasted time and resources further into the crucial stages of a process.

Corporate acquisitions can be high-risk, time consuming and distracting. Our hands-on approach ensures you remain focused on the management of your current business and are taking the right steps to plan for growth.

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