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Data Protection Lawyers

Commercial legal advice on all aspects of data.

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We advise on all aspects of data including privacy, data protection, security, crisis management and confidentiality.

Our advice is commercial, pragmatic and innovative — and delivered in a way that is practical for your business.

Each of our specialist privacy lawyers are commercial lawyers in their own right — and each has their own sector experience, meaning that we understand your operating environment and commercial and regulatory drivers. 

We don’t just let you know what the law says — we read, interpret and use market intelligence and feedback from regulators to ensure that the advice that you receive is both accurate and fit for purpose.

Our expertise

We take time to understand how and why you collect and use personal data. This approach allows us to help you implement appropriate notices and privacy policies to ensure that you collect personal data correctly and transparently, and to tailor appropriate clauses within your commercial agreements relating to the processing and sharing of personal data.

We also advise on and prepare other internal data protection policies and procedures to address matters such as your record keeping and day-to-day compliance requirements that you and your staff need to ensure compliance.

We offer a data protection audit to review your data sets and policies, identify legal issues and give recommendations for how to refine your data handling techniques. We also provide advice and support on handling complaints and investigations relating to data protection, data subject rights, subject access requests (SAR) and handling and dealing with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

We also provide training on data protection law and trends in the form of on-site and off-site workshops, seminars, webinars and news updates.

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