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Elaine Field

Elaine Field

Legal Director

0161 836 8823
07772 053 634

Elaine is a Legal Director in our property team.

An experienced lawyer, she specialises in all areas of planning, highways and compulsory purchase, advising on infrastructure issues and large scale development projects (including various town centre regeneration and urban extension projects) as well as highways and energy infrastructure schemes.

Elaine has advised a number of statutory undertakers in relation to development consent orders, compulsory purchase orders as well as Transport and Works Act orders.

She acts for a broad range of clients including housebuilders, registered providers, local authorities, funders and statutory undertakers. 

Elaine has extensive experience advising on residential lead developments, including advising on urban extension projects as well as garden town developments.  Elaine’s experience in the residential sector has allowed her to assist many clients deal with thorny issues such as viability, affordable housing and grant funding.

She has worked both in-house at a number of local authorities as well as in private practice and regularly advises both public and private sector clients on all types of development projects.  

She is a member of the Compulsory Purchase Association.

She is classed as a Key Lawyer in The Legal 500.

Her clients include Oldham Borough Council, Peel Ports Group and ION Property Developments Limited.

Elaine joined us in November 2022 and is based in our Manchester office.

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