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Brabners Swish event

Brabners' swish

Our charity swish event aimed to bring together leaders in sustainability from across the retail sector to raise money for a good cause — The Brabners Foundation.

Facilitated by Worn by Us, guests swapped quality pre-loved clothes and accessories, raising £3,200 on the night with further funds continuing to be raised through the sale of additional items.

Worn by Us and fellow B Corp Jardin Living shared their insights on what it takes to create a sustainable brand and the current attitudes towards ESG in the retail sector.

As a B Corp with a team of specialist retail lawyers, we are uniquely placed to convene a community of like-minded brands, people and advocates of sustainability.

So, we did just that.

Jardin Living

Jardin Living — what it takes to create a sustainable fashion brand

Kavita Basi recognised that consumers were seeking more ethical products and shopping experiences. That’s why she created fellow B Corp Jardin Living and its fashion brands — Reflexone and Ration. L.

Despite facing challenges early on in its journey, Jardin Living refused to compromise its aims of creating an ethical brand — both in the way that its products are made and the materials that it uses.

Meet Kavita Basi, the Founder of Jardin Living.

Kavita Basi Jardin Living
Worn by Us

Worn by Us — a fashion resale company making a positive impact for consumers and retailers

With charitable origins, Worn by Us was created to raise money for breast cancer charities following founder Nicola Gleave’s personal diagnosis. Since then, it has evolved to fill a gap in the retail space by supporting consumers in releasing the value of their pre-loved garments and offering resale solutions to retailers.

Consumer attitudes to pre-loved have changed dramatically over the last few years, with research showing that 33 million consumers bought second-hand items for the first time in 2020.

Nicola shared that there is an estimated $2.1 trillion of clothing sat in wardrobes, unworn and unwanted. Worn by Us aims to keep clothes in use for longer to improve the positive impact of fashion resale on the planet and consumers’ pockets.

Worn by Us works with Henri Lloyd and Sosander to provide sustainable solutions for their surplus stock and their customers’ pre-loved items.

Meet Nicola Gleave, the Founder of Worn By Us.

Nicola Gleave Worn By Us
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Specialist ESG in Retail Lawyers

Our retail law team work with many of the UK’s largest retailers and brands and is truly on the frontlines of ESG in retail.

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Sustainable partners

We were also joined by carefully selected marketplace stalls providing treatments, sustainable products and retail therapy including:

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