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Tax Investigations

We're experts in tax law and the regulatory framework governing tax investigations. 

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The tax investigation arena is complex and requires specialist advice. We advise individuals, SMEs and professional advisers in respect of prosecutions and investigations concerning VAT, national insurance, income tax and corporation tax.

HM Revenue & Customs enjoys huge and invasive powers when it comes to investigating, recovering and prosecuting suspected tax fraud or tax irregularities. We advise on the legality of search warrants and other investigative powers and are able to challenge them where necessary.

Our services

We can help with:

  • HMRC tax investigations and disputes
  • Code 8 tax avoidance investigations
  • Code 9 tax suspected tax fraud investigations
  • Contractual disclosure facility
  • Liechtenstein disclosure facility
  • HMRC criminal investigations and prosecutions
  • advising on compliance with and/or challenge to use of HMRC powers.
Manchester office booths

Our experience

Cases that our lawyers have worked on include:

  • Successfully arguing no obligation to disclose to HMRC the details of an offshore trust.
  • Persuading HMRC to issue a notice of withdrawal of an assessment to VAT.
  • HMRC -V B & others. £16 million Missing trader intra community fraud (MTIC).
  • HMRC –V- S & others. £4.5 million NI,VAT, PAYE & construction industry scheme fraud.
  • HMRC –V- A Ltd Company, L & Others. Case stayed as an abuse of process. VAT fraud in respect of the supply of ice, steam and water to NHS trusts.

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