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Partnership Disputes

Legal disputes of any kind can be a stressful and time-consuming distraction. Partnership disputes add an extra layer of complexity and can paralyse your business.

This is why we work quickly and effectively to resolve issues as amicably as possible, while prioritising business stability and the achievement of your long-term goals.

Our partnership disputes team is made up of experienced and Legal 500-recognised commercial litigators with expertise in matters relating to general partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships (LLPs).

Whether you’re concerned about a breach of obligation under a partnership agreement or a breach of fiduciary or statutory duty (included under the Partnership Act 1980), we advise on a wide range of issues including the practical implications of a dispute, funding and the available remedies.

Should your partnership break down due to a breach of obligation, we will work with you to seek remedy through the courts, including the pursuit of damages and account of unlawful profits. We will also seek urgent injunctive relief to safeguard your partnership’s future interests against further breaches.

Talk to us by completing our contact form below.

Find out what to do in the event of a partnership dispute with our step-by-step guide.

Partnership Disputes: what to do when the relationship between you and your partners breakdown.

In this video, our Litigation and Regulatory Practice Group Head, Jeff Lewis, outlines the appropriate steps to take in the event of a partnership dispute.

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